Local Fire, EMS Receive State Grants, Says Greiner
HARRISBURG – Rep. Keith J. Greiner (R-Upper Leacock) announced today that
HARRISBURG – Rep. Keith J. Greiner (R-Upper Leacock) announced today that
HARRISBURG – Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) announced today that Garden Spot Village in New Holland has been awarded a $4.5 million Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant for the construction of Garden Spot Communities Center for Arts and Culture.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) announced state grants of more than $470,000 have been awarded to Akron Borough and the Earl Township Sewer Authority under the Local Share Account (LSA) program.
HARRISBURG – Following the announcement of the Lancaster Public Library to host a drag queen story hour, state Reps. David Zimmerman (R-Adamstown), Keith Greiner (R-Upper Leacock) and Tom Jones (R-Elizabethtown) issued the following statement:
HARRISBURG – Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) announced today that 13 fire and ambulance companies in the 43rd Legislative District have been awarded nearly $257,000 in state grants through the 2023-24 Fire Company and Emergency Medical Services Grant Program.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) who, for more than a decade has championed legislation to give Pennsylvania an earlier primary in presidential election years, continues his push to give Pennsylvania voters greater clout in choosing the nation’s president.
HARRISBURG – Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) today announced that the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) has approved nearly $1.5 million in state grants for water and sewer system infrastructure improvements in the 43rd Legislative District.
Imagine sitting in a car dealership and feeling pretty good about negotiating a great deal on a new-to-you used car. Strong valuation of your trade-in, low interest rate, and even some nice “freebies” thrown in by the dealership. The salesman has all the terms ready for you to sign, but suddenly gets a call to head to the back office. After returning, he slides the agreement across his desk, ready for your signature.
Greiner hosts House Majority Policy Committee for hearing on inflation, agriculture and food costs
WHAT: Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) will host a hearing of the House Majority Policy Committee to discuss the impacts of inflation on the state’s agriculture industry and the rising cost of food.
The Lancaster Republican Delegation to the House of Representatives today listened to Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget proposal before a joint session of the General Assembly where the governor proposed $2 billion in new spending over the current budget and $5 billion in new taxpayer debt.
HARRISBURG – The Lancaster GOP House Delegation, House Speaker Bryan Cutler (R-Peach Bottom) and Reps. Mindy Fee (R-Manheim), Keith J. Greiner (R-Upper Leacock), Dave Hickernell (R-West Donegal), Brett Miller (R-East Hempfield), Steve Mentzer (R-Lititz) and Dave Zimmerman (R-East Earl), are calling on the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) to cease sending letters to school children stating that they have determined the child has had a “close contact” with a person that has COVID-19 and if they do not do as the letter instructs then legal action will be taken against them.
MANHEIM – In reaction to Gov. Tom Wolf’s announcement of a statewide mask mandate for K-12 public schools in Pennsylvania, Reps. Mindy Fee (R-Manheim), Keith Greiner (R- Upper Leacock), Dave Hickernell (R-West Donegal), Brett Miller (R-East Hempfield), and Dave Zimmerman (R- East Earl) released the following statement:
HARRISBURG – The Lancaster GOP House Delegation joined the majority of their colleagues today in voting in favor of a budget that will fully fund our schools and maintain government services for residents in accordance with the severe economic constraints facing our Commonwealth – mainly the current administration’s track record of spending more money than the Commonwealth receives in revenue.
HARRISBURG - The General Assembly unanimously passed legislation authored by Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) to change the due date of state corporate tax returns from 30 days after the due date of the federal return, to the 15th day of the month following the due date of the federal return. The House passed the legislation after approving Senate amendments.
HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania House of Representatives unanimously passed legislation authored by Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) on Wednesday to change the due date of state corporate tax returns from 30 days after the due date of the federal return, to the 15th day of the month following the due date of the federal return.
HARRISBURG - Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) has introduced legislation to allow licensed professionals the ability to seek advisory opinions, which would be legally nonbinding, from their respective licensing boards pertaining to the interpretation of an act or regulation relating to the licensee.
HARRISBURG - A group of Pennsylvania lawmakers introduced a resolution disputing the 2020 General Election Statewide Contest Results. The members of the General Assembly issued the following statement:
HARRISBURG - The Lancaster County Republican Delegation – House Speaker Bryan Cutler (R-Peach Bottom), Mindy Fee (R-Manheim), Keith J. Greiner (R-Upper Leacock), Dave Hickernell (R-West Donegal), Brett Miller (R-East Hempfield), Steve Mentzer (R-Lititz) and Dave Zimmerman (R-East Earl) – issued the following statement after the announcement from Gov. Tom Wolf at yesterday’s press conference that he plans to veto House Bill 2463. The bill would ensure Right-to-Know (RTK) requests are answered during state of emergency declarations and it was passed unanimously by the General Assembly.
HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania House of Representatives today voted in favor of a short-term budget that will fully fund our schools and maintain government services for residents in accordance with the severe economic constraints facing our Commonwealth.
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