West Earl to Receive $1 Million for Transportation Improvements, Greiner Says
November 14, 2017
HARRISBURG – Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) announced today that West Earl Township has been approved for a $1 million multimodal transportation grant for pedestrian and roadway improvements along the Oregon Pike that aims to create jobs and boost economic growth in the area.
The Commonwealth Financing Authority voted today to approve the funding for transportation improvements at a new 312,000 square-foot, mixed use development, bounded by the Oregon Pike (Route 272), Newport Road and Burkholder Drive. The transportation improvements are required to fully develop the site.
“This is an exciting new project in our area that will create approximately 64 new jobs,” said Greiner. “It will include the construction of an access road to Burkholder Drive, north and southbound left-turn lanes, southbound right-turn lane, and southbound and northbound through lanes on Oregon Pike. It also includes the widening of Oregon Pike and installation of a traffic signal at Oregon Pike and Church Street.
The private partnership of Team Rahal of Mechanicsburg Inc., Levi’s Building Components and Manco Properties LP, plan to construct a 312,000 square-foot building on the property.
The Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of the Commonwealth. The funding may be used for the development, rehabilitation and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities, streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development.
Representative Keith J. Greiner, CPA
43rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Donna Pinkham
RepGreiner.com / Facebook.com/RepGreiner
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